Jessica Simpson causes a paparazzi and mall security brawl

Paparazzi favorite Jessica Simpson caused an all out brawl when she went shopping to the celeb friendly Century City mall on Saturday. The ...

Paparazzi favorite Jessica Simpson caused an all out brawl when she went shopping to the celeb friendly Century City mall on Saturday. The singer went to the mall to shop, but as always the paparazzi tried to follow her every move and photograph her while she was in the mall.
The rent-a-cop's, (security guards for the mall), got really aggressive with the paparazzi while she was walking around the mall.
The guards illegally placed their hands on the paparazzi and in return, after many verbal warnings, some of the paparazzi retaliated when one of the security began to aggressively shove one of the photogs.
An all out brawl began after the paparazzi that was shoved defended himself and pushed back the offending guard, which in return turned into a fist fight between the two.
Other paparazzi came to the rescue of their fellow photog when other security began to knock them down to the ground. The brawl only lasted a few minutes but was caught on tape by a Splash News .

Jessica Simpson was pissed off that she was being followed into the mall and verbally made her dissatisfaction heard. Although I feel bad for Jessica because she can't go shopping without being followed, I don't pity her because she's the one that put herself in the spotlight. No one becomes famous without wanting to! (Well unless you did something really bad, like murdered somebody). You have to work really hard for people to be interested in watching a celebrities life. She wasn't complaining when she did the MTV show with Nick. She had people in her living room for god sakes. She invited all of us in.

The security were completely out of line (see the video)and took the law into their own hands. Mall security is just that, Mall security. They are not allowed to apprehend you the way they apprehended those paparazzi. Its really sick to see how our rights are thrown out the window if a celebrity is in the picture.

However, by luck of the draw, we happened to run into Jessica later on that day. After the big chaos of the Century city mall, Jessica decided to pamper herself and go and get herself a facial. She spent almost 4 hours in the clinic doing God knows what to beautify herself. She sent her assistant out to get her car who noticed us waiting for Jessica to come out. She said if we were nice, and did not follow her after she left the dermatologist clinic, Jessica would give us a few shots. We gladly agreed! Unlike popular belief, we are not out to piss celebrities off, we just need to do our job and get some pictures. As promised, Jessica Simpson came out and gave us a few pictures and we in return did not follow her out.

IF things could be this easy in the paparazzi/celebrity game, things would be so much better. Unfortunately, promises are made on both ends and not always kept by either. Mistrust then follows and the cat and mouse game begins. If only we could come to agreements were both parties would be happy. Maybe in the future but most likely not. As long as celebrities want full control of their image, and paparazzi want to photograph their "real" life and not only what the celeb wants the public to see, then the Paparazzi and Celebrities will always have a love/hate relationship.


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