Celebrities Get Away With Everything

It's no surprise to you or me that celebrities get away with everything. They are allowed to run red lights, make false police claims a...

It's no surprise to you or me that celebrities get away with everything. They are allowed to run red lights, make false police claims against the paparazzi, and do just about anything and most police don't even flinch.

For instance, when I was working in Savannah, Georgia on Jennifer Lopez and then boyfriend Ben Affleck, I witness the police blocking the paparazzi and general public on the highway and letting Ben Affleck speed off at over 75 mph. IF I remember correctly, that sort of activity is reserved for people like the president, not a celebrity who doesn't want their photo taken.

Lindsay Lohan is another celebrity who has it easy with the cops. If you remember an accident she had a couple of years back where she rammed her car into a van in front of the Ivy on Robertson, it was her fault. Why? because she was speeding over 50mph on a 25mph zone even though she didn't have any paparazzi following her. The other person in the accident was blamed for the accident because he was making a U-turn from the center divider. Both were at fault! Not just him. Yet the police failed to mention that Lindsay was going so fast. If she was going the speed limit she would of had more than enough time to stop.


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TammyJo said...

This pisses me of to no end. Just because they give millions of people entertainment they can get away with it all and have no consequences. Where as if we do anything no matter how small we get the shit end of the stick. So basically normal society gets brutely punished compared to celebs just because were not movie stars or singers. The law hammers us with fines just to take us for all that we have. ITS ALL BULLSHIT. They should be punished just the same if not more. How are we supossed to look up to these people anymore? We can't.

Unknown said...

I completely agree. If a celebrity does it, the cops turn the other way, if anyone, especially the paparazzi do it, we get punished. It should all be equal. Period the end.

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