Charlie Sheen Threatens to Kill Wife if She Talks

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Actor Charlie Sheen threaten to kill his wife if she opened her mouth about the fight that took plac...

ASPEN, CO - DECEMBER 25: In this handout photo...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Actor Charlie Sheen threaten to kill his wife if she opened her mouth about the fight that took place between him and her. Christmas morning, Charlie got into a violent altercation with his wife were he held a switch knife to her throat and threatened her: “My husband had me (inaudible) with um, with a knife, and (inaudible) he threatened me.” Later, she said (Brooke Mueller), “I thought I was gonna die for one hour.” Charlie was apparently upset that Brooke was asking him for a divorce and would get sole custody of their baby twins.

The fact that I was there to photograph other celebrities and this story broke out couldn't have been better for me from a journalist stand point. We, GSI Media, were there to cover everything including pictures of the police walking out of the house and pictures of the twins being walked by the nanny a few days later. To see the pics, check out the video below; 'our' picture of the police officer walking out of Charlie Sheen's house in Aspen and the picture of the twins were featured in the Today show on NBC. Major props. =)

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