Lindsay Lohan Trying to Do a Good Deed Looks Insincire

Image via Wikipedia Actress Lindsay Lohan made a trip to India to 'supposedly' shine a light on child trafficking but came out look...

This mugshot is found from http://www.perezhil...Image via Wikipedia

Actress Lindsay Lohan made a trip to India to 'supposedly' shine a light on child trafficking but came out looking like she was just doing it for the brownie points it would give her in the media. When being interviewed about child trafficking she seems to have memorized what she is saying and has no idea what she is talking about. When talking to a local citizen Lindsay sounds so air headed. I have nothing against the girl but c'mon. You would think with her acting career she could do a better job at acting. Is it over the top to think that Lindsay is doing it for the media attention? or Is it right on point? You be the judge.


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