Justin Bieber Ready to Fight the Paparazzi

Justin Bieber (Photo credit: cukuskumir ) ( London, UK ) Recently troubled actor, Justin Bieber , keeps his downward spiral going as h...

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber (Photo credit: cukuskumir)
(London, UK) Recently troubled actor, Justin Bieber, keeps his downward spiral going as he exits his London hotel when a paparazzi got upset for being ruffled up unnecessarily while he was waiting for the star to catch his ride.

It all happened outside Bieber's hotel where he bumped into a photog taking his photo as he was rushed to his awaiting vehicle by his two burly bodyguards.

The audio in the video of the incident goes as follow:

"Watch out! Give him space, give him some space guys!" [bodyguard]

(Justin Bieber is being rushed out of hotel, two bodyguards in front of him protecting his path)

"Okay!Okay! Okay!" [paparazzi]

"take it easy, take it easy, Justin" [paparazzi]

 (It is unclear why but Justin Bieber appears to slam into photog unnecessarily since the bodyguards in front of him are clearing his path)

"That's assault! That's assault" [paparazzi]

 (Justin Bieber gets inside car at this point)

"Yeah, but you're in our way!  Relax!" [bodyguard]

"No! I moved out of the way! I moved out of the way!" [paparazzi]

"No you didn't!" [bodyguard]

"f*ck off, back to America! You f*cking little moron!" screamed the paparazzi at Justin's bodyguards, at which point Justin Bieber jumps out of the car and tries to swing at the photog, screaming, "WHAT THE F*CK YOU SAY!"

"You heard what I said!" "You heard what I said, mate!" [paparazzi]

During the short heated exchange, Justin Bieber attempted to swing at the photog, but his burly bodyguard held him down and put him back into his baby carseat. car before he could get into any legal trouble.

Justin Bieber later tweeted -

“Ahhhhh! Rough morning. Trying to feel better for this show tonight but let the paps get the best of me,” and “Sometimes when people r shoving cameras in your face all day and yelling the worst thing possible at u…well I’m human. Rough week.”

See the video here!


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