Why Paparazzi Help Make Actors Bonafide Stars

Kristen Stewart attending the Twilight Saga Film New Moon, Crillon Hotel in Paris, France on November 10, 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia...

Kristen Stewart attending the Twilight Saga Fi...
Kristen Stewart attending the Twilight Saga Film New Moon, Crillon Hotel in Paris, France on November 10, 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The actors of today are not known for their amazing acting chops but more for who they are in their real lives.

According to Forbes, the successful celebrities of today are not the ones that have the greatest talent ahem! Leonardo di Caprio, but those who have the biggest fan base, e.g. Kristen Stewart.

Movies are major hits nowadays, not so much for the talent, but for who is in it.

Whomever has the biggest fan base will basically win at the box office because their fans will go see a film whether they care about the movie plot or not.

Sure, the movie has to be semi-interesting to be successful, but who is in it will determine more how well it will do at the box office.

Take into consideration Kristen Stewart and her Twi-hard fans, who according to Forbes, have helped Kristen drastically increase the success of her films by going to see them to support her and not so much her amazing acting chops, i.e. Runaways.

The Twilight series gave her the popularity of actress Meryl Streep - only the latter has proven time and time again to be an artist at her craft and received mulitiple awards, while Kristen Stewart, has been caught by the paparazzi cheating on her Twilight and real life lover, Robert Pattinson and has been part of a widely popular teen franchise.

Even after Kristen Stewart's popularity took a hit after the paparazzi pictures of her cheating with director Rupert Sanders came out,  she soon rebound after a few months, when a new set of paparazzi pictures came out of her and Robert Pattinson reunited just in time for the last Twilight film to come out.

Her popularity now is hotter than ever.

The paparazzi make celebrities accessible to their fans and allow them in return to be walking billboards for whatever they wish it to be.

We've all heard it before from the celebrities - the paparazzi follow me, the paparazzi make my life a living hell, they invade my privacy - but what they don't tell you is that the same paparazzi can add a serious boost to their salaries and they use them to promote different brands via their pictures to make extra profit.

Jennifer Aniston is notoriously known to hate the paparazzi, but when she can't avoid them, you will never see her in pics without her trusty Smart Water - a brand she represents.

It is a little known secret about the entertainment world that many celebrities get paid by major companies to wear their clothing, hold their drinks and tie their shoes in front of the paparazzi.

Major brands know that the paparazzi are capable of getting their product out to the masses better than just advertising alone because celebrities make it into magazines and TV programs, and voila!, so does their product.

We have told you in the past, and we will say it again, the more paparazzi a celebrity has on their trail the higher their paycheck is.

Whether it be for negative or positive reasons, having pictures taken by the paparazzi only keeps celebrities in the spotlight and ups their "star" power. The higher the star power the higher the paycheck.

So next time you hear a celebrity b*tching about how terrible the paparazzi are, remember how much money they are making off them when you see them in their lucrative make-up or bevarage commercial.


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