Molly Sims Not So fabulous Beach Bash Molly Sims hosted a beach bash along with Self Magazine. The party took place at the Polaroid beach h...

Molly Sims hosted a beach bash along with Self Magazine. The party took place at the Polaroid beach house that Lindsay Lohan has been holding her beach parties at. All the paparazzi thought that Molly Sims would attract some young celebrities but the opposite was true. Molly's party turned out to be nothing more than a boring beach party. The only celeb to show up was her own co-star Josh Duhamel. He was very stand-offish and kept to himself most of the time. Molly and her crew of nobodies decided it would be fun to throw water at the paparazzi that were there to photograph her. Molly used herself as the bait to grab the paparazzi's attention while her friends tried to throw water at the paparazzi. The party soon escalated to almost a brawl when one of the idiots threw a bucket of water on one of the paps girlfriends. People think its fun and innocent to throw water at the paparazzi but they don't remember that the paparazzi carry very expensive equipment around. If any of it gets soaked its trash. I don't find it fair that the public treats the paparazzi so horribly but still buy the magazines that buy our pictures and watch all the televisions show that also buy them. I wonder how a normal person would feel if a random stranger walked up to them while they were working and started f*ck*ng with them while they were just trying to do their job. Take for example if a random person walked up to an office workers cubicle and just started to pour water on the computer that holds the job they have been working on for the last month and soon after followed with insults about office workers. Tell me then how would they feel?!!? How would you feel?

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