Who Are We?

  (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Paparazzi Diaries was started to give paparazzi journalist a voice and to represent their opinion the bes...

Hollywood Sign
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Paparazzi Diaries was started to give paparazzi journalist a voice and to represent their opinion the best it can.  It is ran by a paparazzi photo journalist who is based out of Los Angeles and has more than a decade in the business.

Since its beginning as a daily journal of a paparazzi and her experiences on the field, it has slowly evolved to become a one-stop shop for paparazzi related news. It is a place where paparazzi and celebrities are often working together and not against each other.

We invite you to take a look around and know that we hope to represent the positive side of paparazzi photo journalism and not the latter.  However, we also aim to serve the raw truth to our readers who have come to rely on our no holds bar when it comes to celebrity news, so if you read something you don't agree with, tell us why.

We are always up for a good discussion.

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