Lindsay Lohan is a B*tch! Actress Lindsay Lohan is nothing more than a spoiled little b*tch. She uses the paparazzi to better her fame and ...

Lindsay Lohan is a B*tch!

Actress Lindsay Lohan is nothing more than a spoiled little b*tch. She uses the paparazzi to better her fame and then turns on them in a milli second. Lindsay Lohan just a few days ago was being followed by the paparazzi as usual (she is one of Hollywoods It girls after all), when she called 911 and said that she saw one of the paparazzi's had a gun and she was scared. Of course the police reacted with helicopters and lots of police cars and pulled over the dangerous paparazzi. After an extensive search of the car the police found "no" gun or dangerous weapons to speak of. You would think Lindsay would know what a telephoto lens looks like. I personally think she just threw another temper tamtrum because the paparazzi were following her on a day she didn't want to be followed. Could it be because Harry Morton just dumped her!?!?! She sure didn't have a problem prancing in front on Harry's home all summer long having the paparazzi take her picture. What a spoiled little snot!
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