Mischa Barton and Cisco came out to dinner at Mr. Chow's Last night. Mischa wearing a mixture of Disco and Hippie wear and Cisco wearin...

Mischa Barton and Cisco came out to dinner at Mr. Chow's Last night. Mischa wearing a mixture of Disco and Hippie wear and Cisco wearing a talking t-shirt that read "Kill The Weak".
Mischa and Cisco made an appearance at Mr. Chows last night while I was there. Unfortunately I was running to my car to get something when they arrived at the restaurant in a white convertible with the top down. I was bummed out that I had missed the pictures because I know that it was no promise that they were going to give pictures on the way out. They are so unpredictable, one minute they are giving pictures away, the next they are calling the police crying about the paparazzi. Anyhow, I went back to the entrance of the restaurant and waited with the few paps that were there for about 30min. Soon after, Cisco called the valet mgr. Into the restaurant and had them get the car ready. Oh no! I thought to myself. There will be no photo opportunity. Just a few min. later the car was ready to go and like lightning Mischa and Cisco left the building. Fortunately for me I managed to get a few photos before they made their getaway into the night.
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