Lynne Spears: "Jamie Lynn was crucified"

Lynne Spears is speaking out and defending her youngest daughter Jamie Lynn who was "crucified" in the media when she got preg...

Lynne Spears is speaking out and defending her youngest daughter Jamie Lynn who was "crucified" in the media when she got pregnant. Lynne goes to say that she is upset that her whole family was dragged in the dirt when the announcement that Jamie Lynn was pregnant was made but in comparison Sarah Palin got celebrated for standing by her young pregnant daughter after the announcement of her VP nomination was made. Lynne says that although she doesn't condone teenage pregnancy, Jamie Lynn is a super star mom and doesn't believe many teenager could of handle it the way Jamie did. Momma Spears stands up for her brood no matter what naysayers may say, this is one tight knit family.


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