Miley Cyrus hot older guy

Miley Cyrus has become a paparazzi favorite in the last two years and she seems to be well on her way to becoming the next Lindsay Lohan. M...

Miley Cyrus has become a paparazzi favorite in the last two years and she seems to be well on her way to becoming the next Lindsay Lohan. Miley is dating a hot underwear model whom was introduced to her by her father and also happens to be 20 years old. Justin appeared on Billy Ray's Nashville Star and didn't quite make the cut but during the process he became good friends with Billy Ray. In a visit from Nashville, Justin met Miley at her house and the two hit it off. Although the guy seems to be a perfect angel and even has "I love Jesus" on his myspace page, everyone can't seem to help but to think that he is way too old for young Miley who is still just 15 years old. Growing up to fast is never a good thing and we hope that Miley isn't headed down the wrong path. We'll just have to wait and see.


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