Julia Roberts: "F*ck Off, aim higher, get a life, get away!"

Julia Roberts went ballistic on some paparazzi who were following her around town to get a shot of her. She completely lost it on a paparaz...

Julia Roberts went ballistic on some paparazzi who were following her around town to get a shot of her. She completely lost it on a paparazzo who was filming her. The paparazzo greeted her with "Hi Julia, you look great!" and she responded with "you need to get the fuck away from me!", "your harrasing me, get the fuck away from my face!". The paparazzo responded by saying "ok!, I am sorry!" and she snapped with "F*ck off, aim higher, get a life, get away from me!". Wow! Sure glad I wasn't there. Pretty woman sure knows how to loose her temper. Reminded me of her performance on Erin Brocko-bitch.

Diary Entry #4:

Julia needs to take a chill pill, many other celebrities get a ton more attention and they are so much more gracious then she is. She thinks she is the best thing since sliced bread and I hate her mentally. Her days of the box office queen are long gone and maybe, just maybe, she should think about her future in Hollywood and what it entitles. People are obsessed with seeing stars and logging on to blogs to see what their favorite stars are up to and not giving up any pictures does not work in her favor. She could have it as bad as Britney (see video below) so if I was here I would thank God for having it so easy.


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