Joaquin Phoenix beats up heckler
Joaquin Phoenix continues with his career change and odd behavior. Joaquin Phoenix was doing another one of his supposed performances when ...
Joaquin Phoenix continues with his career change and odd behavior. Joaquin Phoenix was doing another one of his supposed performances when a fan (i say actor) started giving him a hard time about his new career choice. The exchange of words happened for a while, Joaquin shouting at the guy "I have millions in my bank account! What do you have, B*tch!" then the guys said something else and Joaquin said "WHAT!" and dived off stage straight into the guy. Security jumped in and Joaquin was taken out of the club via the stage. It is all very, very strange and in my opinion a big social experiment for Joaquin who should get an Oscar for his performance. The whole incident was once again taped by Casey Affleck who has been filming Joaquin since this madness began.
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