Farrah Fawcetts death shadowed by Michael Jackson's

Although it was longtime coming, the expected death of icon Farrah Fawcett got overshadowed by the unexpected death of an even bigger icon, ...

Although it was longtime coming, the expected death of icon Farrah Fawcett got overshadowed by the unexpected death of an even bigger icon, Michael Jackson.
The story of the day for all media outlets was specials on Farrah Fawcett and her life, in fact two TV broadcast networks were planning on dueling primetime specials on Farrah Fawcett but it all changed once the Michael news broke. The Huffinton Post quoted Larry King saying about Michael "What a sad, incredible ... you couldn't write this," and also wrote that Larry changed his Farrah Fawcett special when "He sensed immediately what most news organizations did, that the Jackson story was bigger, because of both the surprise factor and the magnitude of his stardom."

All media outlets scrambled to get something put together for Michael Jackson and cut out most of the specials for Farrah Fawcett. I love Michael and I am so saddened by his death but I am also saddened by the little coverage Farrah has gotten due to the turn of events. Although I was never a fan of Farrah's, I believe she deserves her spot in the spotlight for the incredible, courageous battle she had with anal cancer and for the icon that she was.


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