Lindsay Lohan goes on a jealous crying rage after Samantha comes home

Lindsay Lohan used to be able to be with any man/woman she wanted but she has become so obsessed with Samantha Ronsom she seems to hav...

Lindsay Lohan used to be able to be with any man/woman she wanted but she has become so obsessed with Samantha Ronsom she seems to have forgotten who she is. Lindsay and a friend showed up to Samantha's house only to find out that Samantha wasn't home. When Samantha gets home, Lindsay goes on a crying rage asking Samantha, "Where were you? Where were you? Where were you?" (sobbing). "You told me you were home, where were you?" Sam doesn't answer the question and asks "Who is this person?" referring to the girl with Lindsay, " I am your girlfriend!" Lindsay asks obviously not understanding that she is referring to the other girl. Here is the full transcript of the conversation done by OK! Magazine:

Lindsay: Samantha where were you? You lost it, what’s wrong with you? (Sam walks to her door, as Lindsay squeals to the other girl) Stop! Stop!

Sam: Who is this person?

Lindsay: (clearly confused crying) I’m your girlfriend!

Sam: No, who’s this other person here?

Lindsay: You know her…

Sam: Then why were you yelling at her to stop?

Lindsay: Because she was trying to touch me[?]. Where were you?!?

Sam: This one has to go.

Lindsay: Don’t talk to my friend like that, Samantha (still crying).

Sam: She’s on my property, I don’t know her, I want her out. it’s that simple.

(some unintelligible talking)

Lindsay: Where were you? Where were you? Where were you? Where were you? Where were you?

Sam: I was with my sister.

Lindsay: You’re lying!

Sam: Yeah, I’m lying.

The random girl then leaves, as Samantha suggests she call a cab. The couple finally go into the house, as Lindsay asks, “Can I see your phone?”

Why is Lindsay so obsessed with Samantha. Yeah! It's her first lesbian girlfriend but my God, she acts like a teenage kid who has fallen in love for the first time. It seem she is at Samantha's begging her to be let it constantly. Has she no pride? Why must Samantha treat her so coldly and yet let her back into the house after Lindsay has begged enough? I thought heterosexual relationships were complicated but this one seems so crazy and out of control. I feel like Lindsay might end up in a tragedy if someone doesn't help her like Britney Spears got help when she was at the end of the road. Lindsay, you are talented! Remember who you are and grow into a better person. You don't need to take that from anybody!


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