Raw Images: Michael Jackson's needle puncture marks

Image via Wikipedia Two things are certain in the Michael Jackson Mystery, one, he "did" have Vitiligo skin disorder and he "...

VitiligoImage via Wikipedia

Two things are certain in the Michael Jackson Mystery, one, he "did" have Vitiligo skin disorder and he "was" addicted to pain medicine. ABC News got exclusive pictures taken in 2002 of Michael Jackson where his leg is exposed and shows the signs of injected pain killer abuse. Michael leg looks like it's decomposing and his skin on his legs and feet had a lot of needle puncture marks. There has been a long debate wether Michael really did have the skin disorder Vitiligo or he was using that as his public excuse for why he had turned so white. Michael always stuck to the fact that it was the skin disorder that caused his skin to turn white, and that is half of the truth, the other is that Michael most likely took drugs to turn his uneven skin color to white. I can honestly say that if I had that disease, I would probably do the same. It's a very judgemental world and it would be hard to live in the spotlight with the effects of Vitiligo (see sample picture to see the effects of Vitiligo).

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