Kanye West is the biggest douche on the planet

Attention whore Kanye West ruined Taylor Swift's big special moment when she won the moon man over Beyonce. Kanye got up on stage uninvi...

Attention whore Kanye West ruined Taylor Swift's big special moment when she won the moon man over Beyonce. Kanye got up on stage uninvited and made it clear that he was unhappy about the results. He took the microphone from Taylor's hand as she was giving her thank you speech and proceeded to say "Yo Taylor, I am really happy to for you, I am going to let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best video's off all time! One of the best videos of all time!!" Taylor was so shocked she couldn't believe what had just happen and was left speechless with her award in her hand. Beyonce looked just as shocked and terrified that she was being placed in the middle of Kanye's temper tantrum. Kanye is so desperate for attention he will do anything. The prior years he threw his tamper tantrum when he didn't win an award and this year he decided to step his "douchness" one step up and humiliate a sweet teen who fairly won. The crowd went mad and stood up to applause Taylor who looked shocked as can be.

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