Robert Pattinson stinks!

Image by GeekMom Heather via Flickr Britain's biggest hearthrobe Rob Pattinson confesses that he is in fact a slob when it comes to his...

Rob PattinsonImage by GeekMom Heather via Flickr

Britain's biggest hearthrobe Rob Pattinson confesses that he is in fact a slob when it comes to his personal hygyene. He wear days old clothes and only changes shirts when he can no longer stand the stench. In an interview for UK's New! magazine he states "These jeans are a few days old," "But the top is probably fresh because it gets to the point where even I can't stand the air around me. I don't know, my personal hygiene – it's so disgusting!" That's pretty gross, I couldn't agree more with him. Yuck! Plus he is so into himself it's disgusting. When asked int he same interview if he ever gets into fights over girls he said "No, I’m terrified about getting into fights because it’s like, “Hey, I’m an actor – don’t touch the face!”

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