Charlie Sheen More Famous Than Obama

Image via Wikipedia Actor Charlie Sheen seems to be in a downward spiral that he can't seem to grasp.  The troubled actor seems to think...

Charlie Sheen in March 2009Image via WikipediaActor Charlie Sheen seems to be in a downward spiral that he can't seem to grasp.  The troubled actor seems to think that he is doing just fine and allegedly proclaimed "I'm untouchable!  I'm Charlie Sheen!  I'm more famous than Obama!".

Brooke Mueller, Charlie's soon to be ex wife, claims on a restraining order that got Sheen's twins removed from the party house Charlie is residing in. According to the report, Charlie Sheen wanted her to pay him back child support money under the radar so that he could have a couple of his 'associates' that he hates taken care of.

Brooke Mueller was back in Charlie's life as of last week when she was pictured with Charlie's girlfriends and Charlie leaving inside a private plane. Their destination, the Bahamas.

Brooke's  peace with Charlie broke quickly and she flew back commercial the next day after they arrived in the Bahamas.  Apparently Charlie had once again threaten Brooke, this time he promised to have her head cutoff and put it in a box and if she had the conversation secretly taped she could count on it happening. Allegedly Charlie threatened "If you are having this conversation taped, then consider it done." (TMZ)

Brooke Mueller filed a temporary restraining order against Charlie stating all the threats and had the children taken away from Charlie's home via police because legally it was Charlie's day in their custody agreement.
As of right now, because neither of the parties involved are able to take care of the twins correctly, Brooke Mueller's mom will be taking custody of the kids until this messy situation settles down.



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