Jessica Alba Shows her Newest Asset: Her Ample Bosom
@cash_warren /Twitter Actress Jessica Alba is well on her way to losing her baby weight but the girl is probably not complaining ...
Actress Jessica Alba is well on her way to losing her baby weight but the girl is probably not complaining about one thing, her inflated breasts. Jessica Alba showed off her ample bosom as she happily posed with a couple of friends at a party and seemed happy as can get.
Jessica's low cut dressed showed off her fuller breasts, which apparently had Cash Warren so proud he had to put it up on his twitter account. Speaking of which, he also posted a really adorable picture of himself and daughter Honor riding in the car. He sure looks like one happy guy. New baby, hot wife, adorable kid, booming career, Check! What else can the guy ask for!
(Check out the adorable shot of Cash Warren and adorable daughter Honor after the jump...)
Okay! Too cute! Honor looks like a mini Jessica Alba. I wonder what her sister will look like! Can't wait to find out.
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