Justin Bieber Before He Was Famous

Image via Wikipedia For those of you who are familiar with Justin Bieber , you may know that he started out dirt poor singing on the str...

Justin Bieber at the 2010 White House Easter E...
Image via Wikipedia
For those of you who are familiar with Justin Bieber, you may know that he started out dirt poor singing on the streets for spare change.  What you may be surprised to find out is that his mom almost prevented him from becoming a star because she didn't want him to be involved with his current manager because of the differences in religion.  Justin Bieber and fam are Christian, while manager Braun is Jewish.

Singing sensation Justin Bieber began his early career by sitting next to subways,  sitting on steps, and doing many other less than glamorous things to get to the top.  His devotion and talent always had people gathering around him in amazement - who was this boy that could sing so well?

Well as luck would have it, Justin would soon be discovered by a talent manager who introduced him to Usher.  The rest is music history.

Check out some vintage Justin Bieber:



Vintage 8757106266666660036

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