*EXCLUSIVE* Kim Kardashian Never Got Threatened by the Paparazzi

Kim Kardashian at the Seventh Annual Hollywood Life Magazine Awards. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ( Los Angeles, CA ) Reality star, Kim Ka...

Kim Kardashian at the Seventh Annual Hollywood...
Kim Kardashian at the Seventh Annual Hollywood Life Magazine Awards. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
(Los Angeles, CA) Reality star, Kim Kardashian, hasn't had a good track record lately as far as telling the truth is concerned, she openly lied on the Tonight Show with David Letterman, and now we have talked to the paparazzi involved with the 'supposed' death threat incident and they claim Kim Kardashian is one big liar.

We spoke with the paparazzi who was directly involved with the incident, veteran paparazzi, Andy Deetz, and he insist that A) no real threat was ever made and B) the 'supposed' threat was told to her staff of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and was never directly made to Kim Kardashian as she alleges.

Kim Kardashian went on a rampage on her twitter saying -

I wouldn't let the paps get a pic of me today & they threatened my life & said if I continue to block shots then they will make my world dangerous to live in! How dare they threaten my life & my unborn child! This has gotten way out of control!

For years I've always been so gracious. Every shot they take now just isn't flattering & crazy stories get made up, so why would I willingly just let them stalk me & smile for them? Let me enjoy this last month of pregnancy please without threats & being scared to leave my home due to what dangerous thing they just threatened to do to me.

The photographer involved claims he never made any direct threats to Kim Kardashian, and the only time anything was said that could have been misinterpreted as a threat, was when he warned her staff from "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", that the harder Kim Kardashian made it to get shots of herself, the more desperate the paparazzi would get to get the publishable shot.

He tried to explain to them that he has seen the situation get precarious before when any high profile celeb makes it impossible to get a shot of themselves and the paparazzi run around trying to find an angle to get a 'possible' shot.  He alleges that at the time of this incident, Kim Kardashian had self-admittedly made it hard for the paparazzi to get a shot of her, and the paparazzi were getting desperate.

He adamantly claims that he never, ever, made any threats to Kim Kardashian or even spoke to her about this to begin with.  It was her staff who he spoke with and whom ran to her and told her what the paparazzi had said.

Little known fact to the general public is that paparazzi do not get paid unless they have a selling shot.  Vast majority of paparazzi are free lance photographers who get paid only when their shot is published, otherwise it is $0 money for them if they don't.  That leads to the various and possibly dangerous situations the celebrities complain about because they become desperate to get a shot.

After all, they can't call their landlord and tell them that they can't pay their rent because Kim Kardashian is having a bad day.  We checked with various paparazzi sources involved in this story and they all allege that it is accurate.

Let's see what Kim Kardashian has to say.


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