Clay Aiken and Diane Sawyer fight it out

Clay clashes with Diane Sawyer Clay Aiken recently came out about his sexuality and Diane Sawyer got the first interview after the announcem...

Clay clashes with Diane Sawyer
Clay clashes with Diane Sawyer

Clay Aiken recently came out about his sexuality and Diane Sawyer got the first interview after the announcement. Clay seemed visible disturbed by Diane's questions about his sexuality just a few years back and the same body language is visible in his new interview. Clay told Diane that it wasn't very difficult for him to keep the secret and that he told his mom the first time after his brother had just been deployed to Iraq. To see the full interview, click on the link above.


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1 comment

Anonymous said...

Are you nuts? Clay Aiken and Diane Sawyer are very good friends. Your assessment couldn't be more wrong. You're looking for trouble where there is none.

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