Mischa Barton gets locked out of the car by her B.F. Nicole Richie. So they say karma is a bitch, well Mrs. Barton got her share a few days...

So they say karma is a bitch, well Mrs. Barton got her share a few days ago when she decided that she was going to snub the paparazzi that were waiting for her and her best friend Nicole Richie while they dined at popular restaurant Le Conversation in West Hollywood. Mrs. Barton decided to make a dash for the car (nicole's car) through the back of the restaurant so she didn't have to face the paparazzi. On the way out, the paps kindly asked her if she would just pose for a few pictures and she refused. Not even saying one word. Mrs. Nicole Richie was still inside the restaurant waiting to make her exit. Mrs. Barton dashed to the car, only to find out that Nicole Richie had forgotten to unlock the car so she could make her quick getaway. AS a matter of fact, Mischa waited a good five minutes outside the car, surrounded by paps, for Nicole to even exit the restaurant. On the way out, Nicole was too busy working the paps that she didn't even realized what she had done to her friend. Nicole made it all the way in her car, and still distracted by the paparazzi, didn't open the door for Mischa right away. AAAhhh! Karma is a bitch. Mischa was being snotty and not giving up pictures and she ended up stuck outside the car giving out pictures anyways. Maybe you should be nicer to the paps next time Mischa! They are the ones that made you famous!
1 comment
That is what I dislike about some "famous" people.Once they're famous they act all ****!
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