John Mayer admits to having sleep overs with Aniston

John Mayer once again let his tongue slip and told the world that he is still sleeping with Jennifer Aniston. In a recent interview with El...

John Mayer once again let his tongue slip and told the world that he is still sleeping with Jennifer Aniston. In a recent interview with Ellen, John and Ellen talked about a recent party they were both at in Jennifer Anistion's house and John explained how Jen's house is gorgeous but so complicated you don't know where anything is. He said that at "night" its hard to find the light because her light system is so complicated. Ellen instantaneously joked after he made that comment and said, "oh! so you guys have sleepovers." Wink,wink! John just kept a coy smile on his face and didn't know how to act after all Jennifer allegedly broke up with him last time because his tendency to have a candid tongue with the media. Do you think John accidentaly slipped or do you think he purposely told everyone that he still sleeping over at Jen's house?


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