Odd but True: 12 Michael Jackson fans commit suicide

Michael Jackson has always had the most hardcore fans but these people took their obsession with Michael to the grave. According to Yahoo! ...

Michael Jackson has always had the most hardcore fans but these people took their obsession with Michael to the grave. According to Yahoo! News in the UK, about 12 fans committed suicide after they found out about the death of the megastar. Gary Taylor, president and owner of in the UK claims that at least 12 people have committed suicide and he still counting. According to him at least one of them was a Brit and the other 11 were from other countries. He has put out a plea for Michaels fans not to be overcome with grief and to think about what Michael would of wanted them to do but his fear is that after Michael funeral that number might grow greatly. In hopes to change their minds he found one of Michael's closest friends, Rev. Jesse Jackson to put out a message of hope.

Jesse Jackson, a friend of Michael Jackson's, released this YouTube statement to Michael's fans:


Rev. Jesse Jackson 8130107109035977203

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