Jon Gosselin gets kicked off Jon and Kate plus 8

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Jon & Kate plus 8 is about to get a make-over and it does not include Jon Gosselin. After much antic...

GLENDALE, CA - APRIL 14:  Television personali...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Jon & Kate plus 8 is about to get a make-over and it does not include Jon Gosselin. After much anticipiation to see what was going to happen to the show, TLC has decided to drop Jon altogether and name the show Kate plus 8. Jon and Kate plus 8 had a ratings spur when Jon and Kate were having marital problems but since has dropped dramatically since they announced divorce. TLC decided to drop Jon after his romantic anticts since he left Kate and the bad light he has portrayed in the media. Looks like someone is out of a job, let's see what he decides to do next now that his money cow is gone.

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