Odd but True: Jay-Z tackles Chris Martin during London concert

Oddly enough, Jay-Z made an appearance at Coldplay's London concert but the oddest thing of all was that Jay-Z tackled Chris Martin off ...

Oddly enough, Jay-Z made an appearance at Coldplay's London concert but the oddest thing of all was that Jay-Z tackled Chris Martin off the bench while he was performing on the piano. It looked like it wasn't rehearsed and it's just something Jay-Z decided to do on his on. For fun? Not sure. However, Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow where amongst the few guests at Beyonce-Jay-Z wedding, so they must be close friends. It's just weird how Jay-Z just walks off the stage without waving bye or anything. We will soon find out the juicy details of this prank or real life fight.


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