Brad & Angelina Win Battle Against Tabloid: Settle Out of Court

Image via Wikipedia Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had their world rocked late last year when the UK newspaper, News of the World , reported...

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the Cannes fil...Image via Wikipedia
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had their world rocked late last year when the UK newspaper, News of the World, reported that it was official, Brad and Angie had separated.  The newspaper claimed that the two mega stars were going to be splitting their assets equally and sharing custody of the kids in a secret deal that newspaper had all the information on.  All the news outlets went absolutely bonkers for these news, and the news soon spread like a wild fire.
Nothing could have been further from the truth, for the wildly famous couple is still together to date, and seem to be stronger then ever.
Brad and Angie decided to sue the newspaper, when it didn't retract the story and left it out in the air for the public to judge if they were separating or not.  Their lawyer released this statement:

"When the News of the World failed to publicly retract the allegations and apologize for them – thereby leaving their readers in the dark as to the true position – the couple felt they had no alternative than to sue"

Both parties settled in London today, but did it all out of court so it's unsure what compensation Angelina and Brad got.  It is most likely though that the philanthropist couple will donate the money to charity.


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