Lindsay Lohan: How She Will Be Serving Jail Time

Image via Wikipedia Actress Lindsay Lohan 's reality is about explode in her face, as she gets ready to go to jail and serve her 90 day ...

This mugshot is found from http://www.perezhil...Image via Wikipedia
Actress Lindsay Lohan's reality is about explode in her face, as she gets ready to go to jail and serve her 90 day sentence. The lost starlet had adamantly said that she is not going to jail, but further couldn't be from the truth. Lindsay Lohan is set to serve her sentence in Lynwood Correctional Facility in solitary confinement where she will be serving 20 hours a day of her jail sentence. Lindsay will be allowed to leave her jail for short periods of time which include showering every other day and exercising 3X's per week.
Lindsay will be enjoying two cold meals a day and one hot plus weekend visits from her family. Perhaps this is the dose of reality Lindsay Lohan needs to get her life back in track just like her old wild party friends did like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

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