Lindsay Lohan Back to Jail!

Image via Wikipedia Actress Lindsay Lohan may have thought that she was getting a break when the judge announced that her grand theft char...

This mugshot is found from http://www.perezhil...Image via WikipediaActress Lindsay Lohan may have thought that she was getting a break when the judge announced that her grand theft charge was getting dropped down to a misdemeanor but the poor girl couldn't have been farther from the truth.

Judge Stephanie Sautner dropped Lindsay's charges from grand theft  to a misdemeanor, only to slap her with a violation of her probation which sends Lindsay back to prison for 120 days. 
Lindsay was placed back under arrest and sent to her old jail digs, Lynwood Correctional facility, where she was processed all over again.  Lindsay Lohan posted her $75,000 bail thanks to a local bondsman and is due back in court in May where she will be given a preliminary hearing.
According to the judge, although Lindsay seemed to have walked away with the necklace without realizing it, the fact that it took her so long to return the necklace was the reason why she got in so much trouble.  

It took Lindsay Lohan several weeks to call the store and notify them about the necklace's whereabouts, not only that, she only did it when she found out via the Internet that there was a search warrant out and that the police where going to raid her home.

Beside the jail time, Lindsay will have to complete 480 hours of community service.  She will be serving 360 hours at a womens shelter in Downtown LA, and the rest she will be serving at a morgue.  The judge wanted to give Lindsay a taste of what needy women have to live due to their dire circumstances.

(See the video that got Lindsay Lohan back in jail below)



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