Actress Estella Warren Kicks Cop Before Running Away!

Image via Wikipedia It's probably been a long time since you have heard anything about actress Estella Warren , so it's a surprise t...

Estella Warren in Fredericton shooting movie &...Image via WikipediaIt's probably been a long time since you have heard anything about actress Estella Warren, so it's a surprise to hear that the girl is gone crazy. 

"Planet of the Apes" star, Estella Warren, was spotted late at night, hitting three parked vehicles in LA, and fleeing the scene.  Los Angeles police were able to spot her Prius pretty quickly, and arrested her for public intoxication and D.U.I. 

Before she was arrested, Estella managed to kick an officer present and resist arrest before she was taken into custody.

If you thought the story would end there, you are dead wrong.  Estella then proceeded to escape out of her handcuffs and ran out the back door of the station.  How classic!  
Her great escape didn't last too long though, the cops were able to apprehend her soon after she ran out the door.  It is unclear why Estella would be acting in this manner besides the fact that the cops told TMZ that she was "hammered" when the incident occurred.

Perhaps her ailing acting career drove her to doing drugs and alcohol, and this is the result of her great depression.  Then again, maybe the girl was just so hammered she still thought she was in "The Planet of the Apes"!

Her bail is set at $100,00. She is being charged with assault, hit and run, DUI, and felony escape. Ouch!



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