Arnold Schwarzenegger Has Love Child with Housekeeper

Image via Wikipedia Former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had a lovechild with his former housekeeper/assistant 10 years ago, and not only...

Arnold and Maria at the Special Olympics in Sh...Image via Wikipedia

Former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had a lovechild with his former housekeeper/assistant 10 years ago, and not only did he keep the secret from the public, but also from his wife Maria Shriver and family. 

The mistress, Mildred Patricia Baena, was a housekeeper/assistant at the time she got pregnant with Arnold's child and has kept working with the family all the way up to last January, when she retired after being with them for 20 years. She was also allegedly the one that did the pursuing, not Arnold, and allegedly had set her eyes on him in the early 90's.

The two lovers would have their tryst while Mildred was working with the family during the day, but the affair would never take place at night time.  

To make matters worse, Maria Shriver was also pregnant at the time of the affair, with their youngest son Christopher.

When pictures of the woman were finally released by the media, it was apparent that looks were not the reason why Arnold had the affair, but more because it was an easy and quick way for him to get off.  After all, Arnold has admitted himself that he is a womanizer and has even been accused of groping women in the past.  

According to many media sources, Arnold treated Mildred very well and took full responsibility of taking care of the kid since the start.  Mildred apparently has a 4 bedroom home, pool included, just outside of LA where she has retired with her family. 

When Arnold's love child was born, the father was listed as someone else, since Mildred was also married at the time of the affair.  TMZ has pictures of the kid, and according to them, the kid looks a lot like Arnold. 

It is a mystery, if it's true that the "love" child played with Maria's kids, how it never occurred to them by looking at him that it could possibly be Arnold's child.

Arnold Schwarzenegger released the following statement to the public-

"After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago. I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."

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