VIDEO: Charlie Sheen Finally Comes Clean to Matt Lauer

Actor Charlie Sheen may have seemed insane to most of world last year when he was running around claiming to drink tigers blood and using t...

Actor Charlie Sheen may have seemed insane to most of world last year when he was running around claiming to drink tigers blood and using the phrase "winning" like it was going out of style, but the now subdued actor claims it was all an act.

Charlie Sheen admits to just doing his unexpected and crazy tactics to please the "people" and kept the act going because it seemed to him that's what people wanted out of him.  He said it got so out of hand at a point, that it felt like being catapulted from one cannon to the next.

He goes to tell Matt Lauer:

"that was a time when, you know, what -- what happened -- i don't really know what happened. it was one of those things where, boy, the planets were either aligned to -- perfectly or imperfectly -- but i just said some stuff and then it caught such traction globally and instantly that i couldn't -- i couldn't really put out the fire , you know, so i had to kind of keep fueling it."

He continues:

"it was like being shot out of a cannon into another cannon and then just shot out of that one. yeah. it was like one, from one moment to the next. i didn't know what was going to happen. it was pretty exciting." 

Charlie Sheen admits to having have thought that Two and a Half Men couldn't go on without him, and it shocked him to find out that in fact they were going to. 

He tells Matt:

"I thought for sure that ah they can't do this without me. come on. you know. the show is about this guy."

Charlie Sheen also admits to having some regrets about some of the things he said, like tiger blood and adonis dna, but says he couldn't stop the  the enormity of how famous his phrases became, so he just went along for the ride.

He explains to Lauer:

"It took on a life of its own and people grabbed on to these catch phrases , these metaphors as it were. and they just ran with it. it seemed like it caught people at a time when they needed something different to root for, or to get inside of and feel the energy, you know. it's, again, impossible to explain how something like that can happen. i don't think it can ever happen again."

(Watch video of full interview after the jump...)

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