Video: Shia LaBeouf Gets his A** Handed to Him

Image via Wikipedia Feisty actor, Shia LaBeouf may be a tough-ass on the Transformer movie series, but the boy got his a** handed to him in...

Shia LaBeouf posing at the Transformers: Reven...Image via WikipediaFeisty actor, Shia LaBeouf may be a tough-ass on the Transformer movie series, but the boy got his a** handed to him in Vancouver last week. 

It is unclear what caused the altercation, but TMZ reports, that Shia and the attacker got into a verbal confrontation inside a bar called Cinema Public House. 

Both Shia and the man got kicked out of the club, when Shia received a beat-down from the angry man who beat Shia's head with his fist several times.

The video footage, obtained exclusively by TMZ, shows Shia on the ground getting his head bashed  on the sidewalk, until a few friends walk over and stop the fight. 

What's worst of all, the friend that stopped the fight used his crutches to break the fight apart.

The video footage continues around the corner from the bar, where Shia is being held back by his friends and being given the verbal warning "You better lay low right now!"

A reluctant Shia listens to his friends, but not happily.

Shia LaBeouf was spotted in Vancouver a week later, riding around his bike, looking as though nothing happened.

Check out the crazy footage after the jump....

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