The Afflecks: America's New Royal Family

Since the Kennedy's, America has been longing for an all American family who represent the classic American family morals, and the Af...

Since the Kennedy's, America has been longing for an all American family who represent the classic American family morals, and the Affleck's are here to fill that void.

Actress Jennifer Garner and her famous hubby, Ben Affleck, have become America's "it" couple and are the perfect example of the all American family.

While both parents lead busy work lives in Hollywood, they both have managed to bring up their girls in the most normal environment possible taking their famous lives into account.

Although both parents don't necessarily like the paparazzi attention, they both make it a point to make their kids as comfortable as possible when around them.  They never allow the media attention to ruin their lives, and have rarely acted out against the paparazzi in front of their girls. 

Jennifer Garner is a leading lady in Hollywood and also a spokes model for the Neutrogena brand, but she always makes time to spend time with her girls everyday.  She acts like a normal mom, taking the kids to school and buying groceries, but she can also magically transform into a Hollywood starlet by evening.

Ben Affleck, is the ideal American dad.  Taking the girls to school and the park,  and yes, even the farmers market, while mom Jennifer Garner gets a break.  He seems as comfortable directing films, as he does parenting his kids.  He showers both girls with affection and love, but is also a die hard baseball fan. A men's man of sort.

Both, Jennifer and Ben, attempt to spend every weekend together no matter how busy their schedules are.  If necessary, one will fly to the other to support each other on their mutual projects.

For these reasons, and many more, the Affleck's are America's quintessential family.  Leading a life that many of us would love to have, but also living a life that many of us do live.

We love this Hollywood family and look up to them for examples of how to raise an ideal family under hectic circumstances.

Congratulations to the Afflecks! and forever may they reign with dignity and grace as they always have.

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