Lindsay Lohan Not Getting Any Breaks from L.A. Judge

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) ( Los Angeles, CA ) Actress Lindsay Lohan had to swallow her pride and make her way into a L.A. courtroom a...

Lindsay Lohan at Calvin Klein Spring 2007 Fash...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
(Los Angeles, CA) Actress Lindsay Lohan had to swallow her pride and make her way into a L.A. courtroom after she claimed she was too sick too make it to court because she had the flu in N.Y. and shouldn't fly to Los Angeles.

The doctors note written out for Lindsay Lohan was written the same day Lindsay Lohan was photographed doing a shopping spree in New York and showing no signs of the flu epidimic that is sweeping the Big Apple.

Miraculously, Lindsay Lohan recovered just in the snip of time to make it to her due court date with tough L.A. judge, Stephanie Sautner, who told Lindsay Lohan in a stern tone, "I am glad to see your feeling better!"

Lindsay Lohan's new lawyer, Mark Heller, didn't get any breaks from judge either - when he tried to kiss some serious a** by claiming they knew each other when the judge was a NY detective, but the judge fired back telling Heller, flattery would get him nowhere.

When he attempted to explain Lindsay Lohan's illness and why she wasn't going to show up to her court hearing, the judge stopped him dead in his tracks and told him a flu was a flu no matter what state it came from.

It seems this judge is not going to take any B.S. for an answer from Lindsay Lohan and her NY judge which means Lindsay Lohan better thread lightly or jail time is in store for her if she irritates the judge.  After all, the sentence for lying to the cops can be as easy as probation or as hard as serious jail time.

Lindsay Lohan's last lawyer, Shawn Holley, was able to keep Lindsay Lohan out of jail in spite of all her legal woes, do you think this fast talking NY lawyer will do the same? Let us know what you think.

Read the full story here!


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