The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly at Mr. Chows... THE GOOD: Lionel Richie showed up at Mr. Chows with a great attitude as usual. He was very ...

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly at Mr. Chows...

Lionel Richie showed up at Mr. Chows with a great attitude as usual. He was very upbeat and had a hot young girl for his date, some paparazzi even thought it was his daughter because of how young she looked. Someone in his party mentioned how young he looked, and butting in (don't ask me why), I said "He always looks young". As soon as I said that, he pointed at me (pictured), and said "Now thats fine, I'll take that". Always a gentleman, always a sweetheart!

Legendary Director and "Bad" ass actor, Clint Eastwood showed up a few minutes after Lionel Richie. Better known for his role in blockbuster movie "The Good, The Bad, and The Evil", Clint Eastwood is a phenomonal actor that gives Oscar worthy performances in most of his roles. He is also a great director who just released "Flags of our Fathers", a film about a picture that changed American History.

Actor Joe Pesci showed up at Mr. Chows almost unrecognizable. He surely has aged since his earlier years where he was typecasted as an "evil" mafioso who liked to beat people to death for just lookig at him. He is known to run inside the restaurants when he arrives, so paparazzi can't ever get a picture of him. So when his car pulled up at Mr. Chows with him riding passenger side, we played it safe. We* greeted him when he opened his car door, and threw off a burst of flashes managing to get a few pictures. During so, I told him how much I admired his work, ( I really, really do! Not everyone can play a mafioso like he can!) and at the very last second he gave me a small smile. This picture, (above), reminds me of the smirk he got when he beat the shit out of people in movies like The Good Fellas and Casino. Classic!

*by "we" I mean me and a few colleagues.
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Anonymous said...

Joe Pesci has aged quite a bit i must say..


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