Rewind: An intoxicated Joaquin Phoenix on Letterman

This is either the greatest thing Joaquin has ever done for his career or its the beginning of the end for his career. In the odd turn of e...

This is either the greatest thing Joaquin has ever done for his career or its the beginning of the end for his career. In the odd turn of events that have occurred with Joaquin Phoenix in the recent months, one he quit acting to be a rapper, this one takes the taco for the weirdest. Joaquin appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman a few nights ago and he seemed to be on cloud 9. He was very introverted and confused and seemed unable to answer the most simple questions that Letterman was asking him. He seemed angry at the fact that Letterman was making fun of him but responded in a drugged up sorta way. It is speculated that this is just some sorta "act" he is putting on and he is trying to do some sort of social experiment or he is really deep in the drug world. It wouldn't be surprising that Joaquin would be self medicating his pain with drugs since he witnessed the death of his brother River Phoenix on the streets of Hollywood. Joaquin and River were coming out of The Viper Room, when according to the 911 call Joaquin made, River began having seizures in the middle of the street. Joaquin is heard pleading with the 911 operator to get there as fast as possible, "please, cause he is dying, please." Hoax or truth we are soon to find out. Let's hope it's Hoax for Joaquin's sake.

(911 call made by Joaquin on dreadful night)


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