Odd but true: Celebrities do not look like celebrities without makeup

Celebrities are flawless individuals who have the perfect body, glistening skin and perfect hair. Thank God for us that this is far fro...

Celebrities are flawless individuals who have the perfect body, glistening skin and perfect hair. Thank God for us that this is far from the truth. In this pictures you can clearly see that all celebrities have bad hair days, bad pimple days, and certainly do not look as perfect without the help of makeup. Ah! Now don't you feel better now.

Real Diary Entry #6:

Before I started this job I used to think that celebrities were unhuman and somehow they were better designed then most of us. In fact, it is the reason why I became a paparazzi, I wanted to see what celebrities really looked like in real life. I was stunned and surprised to find out that they were far from being perfect. The first celebrity star I ever shot was Madonna riding her bicycle around Beverly Hills. I remember thinking to myself how plain Madonna looked and how she didn't look anything like she did on TV. Then I saw Pamela Anderson. Boy was I shocked there. She looked horrible in person. Like a midget with oversize boobs and bad skin. Kate Moss looked tiny when I saw her for the first time and had a gawk appearance on her face. I was happy and disappointed to realize the truth that celebrities are just ordinary people under extraordinary circumstances. Don't get me wrong. Some celebrities really are beautiful without any makeup but I would say that 90% of the time it is all in the makeup. So next time you feel bad about yourself when you see a celebrity on TV, think twice, not everything is as good as it seems.


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