Lindsay Lohan throws beer can: breaks the law, again!

Lindsay Lohan is no stranger to breaking the law but this weekend she did it out anger. Lindsay Lohan was once again being surrounded by pa...

Lindsay Lohan is no stranger to breaking the law but this weekend she did it out anger. Lindsay Lohan was once again being surrounded by paparazzi as she was trying to go to an after hours Emmy party when she got fed up with the paparazzi and threw a open can at them. An open beer can! Although Lindsay was just riding passenger and not driving, it is against the law in CA to have an open container of alcohol anywhere in the cabin of the car. It has to be in the trunk. Period. Lindsay probably felt so stupid because she probably forgot that she was holding a beer when she tossed it at the paparazzi. Wasn't Lindsay a recovering addict that had given up alcohol?! I guess that's out the door. C'mon Lindsay! Get it together. Have a great comeback like Britney did. You can do it! That talented little girl that played twins so brilliantly is still in there. Let her come out and play. We miss her.

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