What happened in accident between Nicole Richie and Paparazzi

More details are coming out about the accident that happened earlier between Nicole Richie and the paparazzi that were following her. Appar...

More details are coming out about the accident that happened earlier between Nicole Richie and the paparazzi that were following her. Apparently the paparazzi got distracted when one of their cameras fell off the seat and rolled on the ground (yikes!)(Professional cameras cost at least $3000 just for the body) and they both went to pick it up when they hit Nicole as they were behind her. Unfortunately for the paparazzo, Nicole Richie is crying wolf and claiming that she is physically hurt. C'mon! Seriously. She wasn't going any more than 10 miles per hour so the impact could not have been that serious, besides, if you see the damage on her car you can tell it was not a big deal. Anyhow, the paparazzo that hit Nicole A) has not license and B) is an illegal alien that most likely get deported back to his country of Brazil. You gotta pay attention or when you least expect it something bad could happen. The number one rule of this job is to keep your eyes open at all times. Period. I am just glad Nicole is 'not' really hurt and that her babies were not with her. Otherwise it would get steamed rolled into a Princess Diana situation. I am so glad to still have a job. Phew!


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