Rihanna says love is blind

Image by Getty Images via Daylife Rihanna finally speaks out about the now infamous pre-Grammy night were her then boyfriend singer Chris B...

LOS ANGELES, CA - MARCH 05:  Singer Chris Brow...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Rihanna finally speaks out about the now infamous pre-Grammy night were her then boyfriend singer Chris Brown beat her up after an argument. Rihanna say she was ashamed and didn't want to speak out until now. Rihanna went on to say "I am strong, this happened to me. I didn't cause this!...this happened to me and it can happen to anybody." She continued to say "I fell in love with that person! That's embarrassing."
Rihanna seems to have become a stronger person from this ordeal and realizes that she plays a major role in young girls lives who idolize her. She says she left Chris because she became aware of the negative affect it had and the message it was sending when she went back to him after he beat her so badly. The full interview will be on 20/20. I can't wait to see what else she has to say. I am so proud that she had the strength to leave such a negative situation. It goes to show you that money and fame don't shield you from everything as we like to think.


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