Lindsay Lohan Headed to Jail for 90 Days

Actress Lindsay Lohan couldn't seem to catch a break, when in the same day, she got served for a lawsuit, and got sentenced to 90 days ...

Actress Lindsay Lohan couldn't seem to catch a break, when in the same day, she got served for a lawsuit, and got sentenced to 90 days of jail.
Lindsay Lohan has been in hot water for a while for not taking her probation terms for her DUI seriously, but Lohan never seemed to be truly affected by the speculation that she would be going to jail.  She was even brazen enough to go to the Cannes Film Festival claiming that she had to go for work, but was spotted partying the nights away while she was there.
The judge ruled that Lindsay had violated her terms of her probation and was sentenced for 90 days of jail time.  Lindsay looked horrified and shocked that she was sentenced to go to jail and kept looking at her lawyer as if she needed reassurance that it was real.  She broke out in tears the minute she heard her sentence and couldn't hold her composure as hard as she tried.  Lindsay later addressed the court and said that she didn't mean to go against her probation terms because according to her, she didn't think she was violating probation when she didn't attend her classes because she thought that she could make them up at a later time.

Lindsay will most likely not serve the full 90 days, and only serve about 25 days of her sentence, she is a non-violent offender.  

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