Now You Can Dress Like a Celebrity for Cheap

Image via CrunchBase Now you can look like a celebrity, wearing the same designer clothes celebrity use to their special occasions, and pay ...

Image representing Rent the Runway as depicted...Image via CrunchBase
Now you can look like a celebrity, wearing the same designer clothes celebrity use to their special occasions, and pay really cheap to wear the look for one night.  Us Weekly Magazine has partnered with Rent the Runway, which is a website that rents you the latest designer trends for one night.  After wearing the newest trends and looking hot for the night, you return your worn dress, without having to dry clean it, through the mail.  Voila! You wore the real thing, and didn't have to worry about the steep price.
The prices are really reasonable and will have you swooning to go to a party soon.  So don't be surprised if you walk into your next backyard party and all your friends are wearing Mischka dresses.



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