RUMOR HAS IT that Mel Gibson is not at rehab like he said but hiding at his Malibu home. Rumos has it that Mel Gibson is fooling everyone ag...

RUMOR HAS IT that Mel Gibson is not at rehab like he said but hiding at his Malibu home.

Rumos has it that Mel Gibson is fooling everyone again by pretending to have gone to rehab but is really staying at his posh Malibu Home. Since he happens to live in the same private neighborhood that Britney Spears lives at there have been a lot of paparazzi keeping an eye on that neighborhood. There has been an incredible amount of police vehicles coming in and out of the neighborhood swirling speculations that Mel might be home. Other reasons why there is rumors going around is that no word yet has been said about "exactly" where Mel Gibson is going to rehab.
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