Alec Baldwin Rampage Against the Media
See this and other photos of the attack here- (New York Daily News) (New York, NY) Actor Alec Baldwin is so used to getting his way wh...
See this and other photos of the attack here- (New York Daily News) |
The notoriously angry actor seems to have enormous animosity towards the media because he can't seem to stop attacking members of it.
Just this week he intentionally ran over an "Inside Edition" reporters foot with his bike when he didn't want to answer her questions about his latest outburst, even pushing her with it.
He later joked about the incident on his twitter account- “I am told I ran over someone’s foot on my bike today"- he continues- "“I think it was that person who placed their foot under the wheel of my bike.”
The same day, Alec Baldwin allegedly also hit another reporter and a photographer with his bike handlebars just before going in to do the David Letterman Show. There he happily answered questions about a different incident where he allegedly punched a photographer outside a New York courthouse just a day earlier.
Alec must have mistaken the staff photographer for the New York Daily News, Marcus Santos, for a paparazzo, and must have thought that the public would side with him because everyone always sides with the celebrity instead of the paparazzo.
This time however, the photographer was not a paparazzo but a hired photo journalist for a New York newspaper who was there to capture him and his fiancee getting their marriage license at the court house.
Marcus Santos allegedly only got in the altercation with Alec Baldwin because he was defending another photographer present who was being attacked by Alec Baldwin who was trying to take the the camera from him grip. Alec allegedly turned his anger and just launched at Mr. Santos and punched him.
Alec Baldwin defended his actions by tweeting- “A ‘photographer’ almost hit me in the face with his camera this morning. #allpaparazzishouldbewaterboarded (sic)"
See the New York Daily News reporter tell his side of the story-
Now see Alec Baldwin's side of the story-
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